Laurent Bardainne

Saxophonist, keyboardist and composer, Laurent Bardainne moves from one musical style to another, between rock with the bands Poni Hoax and Limousine, jazz under his own name and in collaboration, and chanson as accompanist. Born in Fougères (Ille-et-Vilaine) in 1975, he studied music at the conservatory and learned to play several instruments. In 2001, with singer Nicolas Ker, he formed the electro-rock group Poni Hoax, which recorded four albums between 2006 and 2017. In 2005, he formed the post-rock quartet Limousine, in which he continues to perform. In 2007, he launched the jazz supergroup Rigolus, which lasted for one album. Saxophonist for artists such as Chilly Gonzales, Abd al Malik, Olivia Ruiz, Julien Doré, Lou Doillon, Tony Allen, Cassius, Miossec and Jane Birkin, he accompanies Camélia Jordana on the Lost project (2018). At the same time a jazz musician, Laurent Bardainne took part in the brief adventure of the group Le Crépuscule des Dinosaures (2002) and recorded a duo album with drummer Philippe Gleizes (2003). He is also a member of Laurent Bardainne & Tigre d'Eau Douce, which released Love Is Everywhere in 2020 and Hymne au Soleil in 2022, with Arnaud Roulin (keyboards) and Sylvain Daniel (bass). A frequent collaborator of Thomas de Pourquery, he joins Supersonic, which won a Victoire du jazz award in 2014. In 2021, the two saxophonists will take part in trumpeter Fabrice Martinez's album Drôles de Dames.

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